Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nice Loot Shot

     I had thought at first that the day was going to no be that good at first.  Went all the way to the black knight and he dropped like 56 gold coins.  LOL!  What is that stuff.  I'll try and hit him again later perhaps.  But then...
     I wish stuff like that could happen more often.  A time ring and a spider silk drop at the same time. That's like a 10k drop in one Giant Spider.  Fun!  Fun!  So to celebrate I went to the Thais depot and threw out a bunch of trash amongst some other things.  Knight armor, some plate armors, steel helmet.  I've been needing to do that for awhile now, it's getting pretty full.  Still got more stuff to toss out amongst all of the amulets and rings I never plan to use.  That or just mail them to an alt.

     Just so much junk that I can't get rid of.  No one wants knight armors anymore.  Some guy was selling Skullcracker Armor.  I almost spent money on it but I want to save up for Elite Draken Mail/Nightmare Shield/Helmet of the Ancients/Golden Boots, stuff like that.

Getting close to a few achievements on Torn


It seams that here lately I'm getting pretty close to quite a few milestone achievements on this game Torn.  Sometimes for weeks, months even sometimes I can go on this game just incessantly clicking away with apparently no goal.  I just keep getting on it doing what I'm used to, it's like a habit.  But sometimes after awhile of it and not getting any event notifications I start to doubt and wonder why I'm still doing it to no end with no noticed effect.  This is where Chedburn, creator of the game, got smart.  Every time you advance to a new achievement you get an event notice which also triggers ranks and merits.  It's just like Pavlov's dogs.
     So later this afternoon, I imagine that I will complete at least 3 more computer crimes.  I'm pretty sure that something special happens when you hit 1000.  What else, finishing hits with clubbed weapons.  Just 19 more of them and I'll be able to adorn my name plate with some nifty little axes.  That's sure appeal to my savage side.  Why am I not clicking google ads again for this game yet?  Oh and, people busted, another 33 of them and BOOM! there's 3 merits right there.  After that I think I'll still be doing Bounties collected, because that private island is still a ways off.  Either 365 days playing or 15 USD$ in Donator packs sold.

Monday, May 30, 2011

I want this one

Elite Draken Mail. 
Attributes: Arm:15, speed +10
Weight: 120.00 oz.
Loot value: 50,000 - 80,000 gp.
Dropped by:(Load %) Draken Elite.
Buy from: Players.
Sell to: Esrik (Farmine) 50,000 gp. (after bringing 9 Tomes of Knowledge to NPC Cael in the Tomes of Knowledge Quest)

The Zaoan Armor just isn't cutting it anymore.  I want to get that extra 2 Armor levels for blocking those danged Giant Spiders.  I hope I can find some high level that hunts Draken Elites that will sell me one for cheap.  They just look so new.

Just another Manic Monday

     Well, today has been kind of fun so far.  I've figured out how to hit that 400+ I was talking about on my mage but I haven't managed to get the screenshot just right just yet, but I will.  A couple cool things have happened so far today.
     First, we were training on a monk outside of the Thais depot today when some nub came up and killed it.  Boss got mad and said we were going to kill him so I got on a secondary character really fast and then came and scold on him.  He ran into some house with stairs and all tried to lose us and then something happened, I don't even know.  While I was hiding out on the rooftop watching my skull flash away, he must've either put down a field rune or hit the wrong hot-key or something, I never figured out what exactly, but when I came down I saw the dead.  I returned back to the front of the Thais depot to see if I could gather any clues as to what had happened and there was Boss, the killer, standing there skull free.  The nub must've screwed up somewhere.  Funny.
     What else?  Oh yeah, I was messing around on one of my noob characters, geez it's amazing what you can get done with them in just one day.  Anyway, I came across this Level 15 knight just standing there on my 9 paladin.  So I did what any bored human would do in that situation.  OPEN FIRE!!!!  Well, he wasn't AFK it turns out and started poking me with his serpent sword. "OUCH!  That tickles!".  This was like, under guildhall, south of the rotworms down a hole to the east by some slimes if you know where I'm talking about.  So he starts chasing me and I'm thinking all, "Never give up, never surrender!".  I just kept running and running, clicking the map so that he couldn't keep up because noobs just sit there and lag holding the arrow key.  So my level 9 outruns this guy, I think he was hanging back killing all the rotworms on the way or something.  I'm standing to the far right of this long passage up above some stairs where there is a dragon.
     Just sitting there, minding my own business, waiting to lose skull.  When who rolls up but...THAT STINKING LEVEL 15!  OMG, he's got some nerve following me all the way to this hallway.  I wait for him to get about 12 inches(30.5 cm) away from my face with that serpent sword and I hope down the stairs.  He must've figured me for some new player with skills comparative to his own because he didn't bother following me down those stairs.  Maybe because he was frightened of the dragon that live there.  As for me, I did not care.  If the dragon were to munch up my insides at least the single mana potion I had been carrying the entire time would more likely rot at the monsters feet than be rewarded to the guy who was chasing me.  Sure, I have no problem that he was defending himself, but when he followed me all of the way down that hallway, that's just getting pretty ballsy.  Not ballsy enough though, to follow that crazed lowbie into the dragon den.
     I wasn't going to try to drop it with 54 distance and 1 mana pot so I just hopped down the next hole and waited out the skull after dropping the three minotaurs and 2 poison spiders.  Great Success!  I could've went back out past the poison fields, but rushing past that dragon with a max HP of like 140 is just so exhilarating.  Thinking that he can just one-hit you whenever he wants, I exited by roping back up the hole and doing just that.  It nibbled my arm a bit as I dashed past him but other than that I was okay as I made my way back up the the stairs to the beginning of that long passage.  I wandered my way out past all of the dead rotworms that whats-his-face bothered killing, maybe he did it on the way out?  I don't really know now, but they did all still contain food for the most part which will help me in my goal of getting from magic level 6 -> 10 before I advance to level 10.
     So then, I traveled all of the way back up out of the ancient temple.  When I arrived at surface side I noticed a level 40 knight standing peculiarly next to a tree, but I tell that story some other time ;P

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Taking my time

     I hate being rushed just as much as the next guy.  You give me a deadline and I'll just fall asleep.  Let me make my own rules though and I'm more likely to pay attention.  I like doing stuff more when it feels like it's my idea.  Like for example, say I'm shoveling snow right?  Say it just snowed out and I'm out shoveling snow and then my dad comes out and points at a different part of the driveway and says something like, "You should shovel over here.".  I don't know exactly what it is but something like that is bound to set me off.

     It's the equivalent of things like saying, "Hey, you there.  You know that thing that you're doing?  Ya', you should keep doing it because I said so.".  There I am, perfectly capable of exercising my human will to do what's right, getting something done, but so often someone has to come along and attempt to annoy me by commenting in someway which I suppose is just common sense to some idiots.  Like them telling me to do what I'm doing is going to make them feel more powerful or something.  Like then I'm doing what I was already doing but I'm doing it because they said so.  Reverse Psychology though would have it that I then find some reason to take a break. I was on my way to completing the job just fine and some upper-management guy needs to feel important.

     So keep reading, and keep that cozy mouse nuzzled right in your hand, with your finger poised over the left-click button because it might almost be time to go and....

Pic not related, but I am getting really close to Level 103.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hit 300+ on a GS

     Tibia is one of my favorite games.  It just goes on forever and ever.  I'm in a pretty good guild, one of the top ones on my server(Silvera) after playing for 5+ years.  Dreaded Assassins are coming up pretty fast and might be somewhat of a competitive force to the rulers of the world, Inferno/Flawless give it a little more time.  I have some worries that our leaders might just retire or just get accepted into one of the ruling guilds but whatever.  I still got my spot.  This game, you can just keep going and going on it.  There's just no limit.  Once you've reached one of your goals it's just that much easier to set a new one.  You can just keep setting the bar higher and higher.

     This screenshot shows me hitting a 300 on a Giant Spider.  I'm pretty proud of that.  But now my goal is just to try and hit a 400+!  I don't even know if a 500 is even possible after that.  Probably.  It just takes so much time training skills.  You can go from pretty much nothing.  When I first started I was getting killed by little bugs and rats left and right, thinking that that was frustrating.  Now, when I play this game, I pretty much feel like a powerhouse.  It's unreal.  When stuff get's me down in Real Life I can just hop on this game and tear some monumental bosses to shreds.

     I've come a long way and I only plan on going further.  I don't know if anyone ever really beats this game.  People just eventually give up and retire.  The quest to be the top mage.  You could be the highest level with the highest skills but you still need a team.  Because even if you are Level 500, 2 or 3 Level 400's could take you down.  It takes a lot of time and organization to get anywhere in this game, and I'm not too sure if it's really all worth it but I know that it is a lot of fun.

     Voice chat is another thing in this game that makes it more appealing.  Sure, you can just type stuff to people and have a conversation but I find it a whole lot more exhilarating to be talking to your team-mates on a headset as you venture into the dragon cave.  It does get a little tiresome once you get strong enough to no longer fear the dragons but it's still fun going after those rare loots, and you never know when the player killer teams are going to come and try and drop you in order to get your Boots of Haste.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Make a Cool Million

     Hi guys.  Jeff here again.  Today I thought that I'd talk about this browser game that I've been playing for a little over five years now.  TornCity.  If anyone wants to sign up and try it out I would appreciate it if you would use my referral link as that would gain me many rewards if you are to reach level 10.


     Well actually now that I check it, it's every 10 levels that you gain, I would gain an additional 250 points, 31 Donator Day status and 2 Special Items.  So give it a shot, I'd appreciate it.  Who knows you might even enjoy it.  As an added incentive, anyone who does join through that link and makes a comment/post at the bottom here detailing your user ID# I just might feel quite compelled to help you out, as in the way of sending you A MILLION DOLLARS!!!  At least to the first person to try it out.  Prizes and guarantees may vary.

     No, actually I did finally coax one of my RL's into playing it, but I never gave him the referral link, he just went straight to Torn and now he's halfway to level 5 xP  Opps!  Couple things about this game.  It's browser based which I know is a big turn off to some of you, but there's just so many danged things to do, it's tough to get bored of and quit once you get into it. Gambling, car racing, crimes, property management, stock market.. the list goes on.  I'm currently saving up to buy the best property they have on there, a Private Island.  Which seams to be everyone's main goal on that game starting out.  It get's easier as you go and you just keep making money faster and faster, but after five years I have still not gathered the 500$ Million Dollars needed to purchase this piece of property.

     The reason for wanting it so bad is this.  You have a health bar and an action bar(Nerve), being in that it is turn based.  Plus you also have this bar that is called a Happy bar.  It starts out small but the more expensive a property you buy the higher it gets, and the higher it gets the more efficient your training times at the gym are.  That's why everyone wants a private island right off the bat because then they know that they can get the most stats and beat everyone else in PVP.

     Why would you want to excel in PVP you might ask?  Well aside from the in game missions which require having higher stats in order to complete there are also factions.  Groups of players who band together and form alliances in order to fight their way to the top.  Climbing the ladder to see who can garner the most respect, it's quite interesting.  It's like an all out war with spies and armories and all sorts of cool stuff.

     The main reason though that I want to get that Private Island is so I can get those prodigial stats is so that I can retire to a life of casual bounty hunting.  I'd imagine by the time I power-game the heck out of this game until I get that spot at the the top, then I can just leisurely train until I am strong enough to take out contracts on people listed on the front page of the Bounties section in the newspaper.

     You can actually practically do this right from the beginning.  I didn't realize this at first but after I explained it to my friend, he signed up, trained a few times and then started knocking people off of the bottom of the ladder for 10k each.  I think I was playing for weeks before I made my first 10k on here.  Bounty hunting is just so much fun.  You go to the Newspaper, then you go to the Bounties section and then you flip through the pages deciding who best to spend your energy on trying to Hospitalize.

     I know that it is fun because I do it everyday.  I just can't think of nothing much more fun, besides making money, than knowing when you click that button that says Attack that it's going to lead to someone somewhere else in the world getting upset at the fact that they got owned, and it being by me makes me feel oh so smug.  I know some people who would enjoy this all the more by being able to do it cheating, but that's just not my style.  I more like to put in the hours and then dominate the failer cheaters by dominating all of their wasted efforts with raw power.  Mainline skill baby, there's just no other way about it.  Sad part is, there always seams to be someone better, and in my opinion they are usually either Asian or Brazilian.  It can get me down but for the most part it just inspires me to want to learn another language.  ser dueño de eres?

     Last part I wanted to touch base with about this game TornCity I found was the achievemnts.  I didn't even realize it at first when they added it in but based on what kind of weapon you use when finishing people off you can get these nifty little banners that go behind your name plate.  I'd been using some rare swords I found which were getting the job done pretty efficiently at cutting up my prey, but when I noticed that you can get the name plate with Axes, I instantly knew I just had to drop the swords and start rocking some bladed hammers baby.  It's still gonna' take me awhile but I think that I'm about halfway there.

     So yeah, I know that I've still got quite a way to go but I'm pretty confident I'll make it.  50 out of 100 finishing hits, I'm already halfway there.  Then I'll have that cool looking axe logo on my name plate.  Another axe related achievement on them MMORPG's.  Gotta' get all them axes, oh I could go on and on with these ramblings but I like to try to stick to one topic a day.  So until next time, Happy Hunting and may your drops be rare.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Introduction to Mayhem

     Hey guys.  Jeff here.  Thought I'd try me hand at this whole awesome blogging idea thingy.
I'm kind of curious whether as to this thing could coexist alongside a twitter account.  That would be kind of cool.  So anyway, what I was wanting to go and use this for was to just post stuff about what I do in my games day to day, as I figured maybe some people might find that interesting because I do a lot of stuff.  Might actually be able to get more done if I'd just stay focused on one, which I occasionally do, but for the most part I tend to jump around a lot so this could possibly cover quite a vast array of games.

     What else?  Well I know that pictures are what people like to look at a lot so I'm going to go ahead and see how easy it is to post this latest screeny I did for level advancement 8 on this game Zezenia.  Kind of what you might call a Tibia clone, but it holds it's own.

     There we go, that wasn't so hard.  You can expect a lot more of those to come.  Wow this will be a great way to keep track of all of those from now on.  I used to collect screenshot advancement on all of my old computers, but now they just sit on some desolate hardrive unplugged from the internets in some basement somewhere.  Well, as you can see, I just got level 8 on that bish Hitman Headshot.  I believe that level 9 is required in order to leave from the training noob island and go to the main island where PVP is allowed.  I can hardly wait(too go get fragged a bunch I bet lol).  I've been training his Magic Level a whole bunch, as it is a mage character.  For anyone who has played Tibia before you might know about how the classes are knight,paladin,sorcerer and druid.  Well this game, which you can get at zezeniaonline.com has only three classes.

     The Warrior class, which is about the equivalent to the knight on Tibia.  Really sucks because I had like a level 40-50 warrior here on zezenia until they reset everyone's accounts and knocked us all down to level 1 when they did this last huge update and redid their entire map.   Warriors are your best bet to start out with if you've never played a game like this before.  This is because they gain the most max-HP per level advancement.  Having a larger max hit point pool will ensure you to be less likely to die and thus frustrated to the point that you quit.

     The ranger class on zezenia is that equivalent to the paladin on Tibia.  These are the guys who shoot arrows and pretty much just destroy all of the monsters and other players from afar.  The only downfall is that they have half the max HP as the warriors, but warriors have to be standing right next to something to attack it, so the rangers can attack stuff from from away without getting hit so they don't really need hit points unless they get into a jam.

     Last, but certainly not least zezenia went and rolled the whole entrie druid/sorcerer vocation into one class, Mage.  They are weak in max HP compared to knights and paladins but I'm going to try to post some PK videos on here in a few weeks hopefully, if I can get enough time off of work to develop him into a powerful warlock, Charlie Sheen style ;p.  Mage is what the character I'm working on atm is.  Hitman Headshot.  I think having magic level 23 at level 8 is pretty good, but I'll keep working at it.  My goal is to be able to one hit people.  What I'll probably do is just hit the town once a month until I get red-name, (The equivalent to Tibia Red Skull)  So stay tuned.  It just might get interesting xD
